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Group Meetings
Truth Warriors is a Biblical world view learning experience to counter the raging non-biblical world view which our young people face on a daily basis. American Family Association of Kentucky, has been given permission by Answers in Genesis, to copy and distribute Answers Academy and Demolishing Strongholds. These two powerful and exceptional programs give a much needed alternative to counter the anti-God curriculum taught to our children in the public school systems.
Answers Academy is a 13 DVD lesson series in Biblical Apologetic for real life application. The lessons encompass a broad overview of the nature of science with special emphasis on geology and astronomy.
Demolishing Strongholds is a powerful learning experience to help guide young people to develop a true Biblical worldview so they may be equipped to address the non-biblical philosophical culture we live in.
This powerful video classroom setting will engage young people to turn their 'passive' Christian faith into a faith of great passion!
We also purchased an American History DVD series called America: Columbus to the Constitution. We were not granted permission to copy this learning tool. However, we have purchased several copies and upon request we will send you one for free. However, a donation would be greatly appreciated.
**No one is permitted to copy and or reproduce the above mentioned curriculum that may be sent to them by AFA of KY. The material can NOT be copied and or reproduced by any other. However, permission is granted for any group(s) to copy the student workbook for each participating student to have a workbook of their own.
Answers Academy:
Biblical Apologetics for Real Life!
Instill a Biblical worldview! This one-of-a-kind study series will equip you to understand the world through "Biblical lenses," and to answer the questions our culture is asking about the authority and accuracy of the Bible. Viewers learn a solid creation-science worldview and that, contrary to popular belief, operational science runs counter to the idea of evolution and "millions of years."

Demolishing Strongholds: Turning Teens from Passive to Passion!
Inspire your young people to go to the next level in their Christian walk! Equip them to live out their faith (at school and in all areas of life) with this cutting-edge series.

America: Columbus to the Constitution
Drive Thru History with Dave Stotts is nearly six hours of captivating content designed for all ages. Learn the stories of faith and freedom from America's founding. Twelve action-packed episodes delve into stories of history, character, faith, and the hand of God in America's discovery and early Revolutionary War years.

Accelerated Christian Education (ACE)
ACE Learning is a textbook series beloved by homeschooling parents across the country. We believe in helping to support families in bringing quality educational resources to their children and so are promoting ACE materials.

Chasing American Legends
Pursuing truth about history's heroes. Chasing American Legends follows the dynamic Green family and special guest stars (David Barton, Brad Stine, Alveda King, Brian Birdwell, & others) in their investigations of America's heroes, legends, & legacies.
With sincere passion for America balanced by humor & curiosity, an entertaining cast brings a fresh approach to storytelling through their access to authentic worlds of timeless national treasures. Each episode is a fun journey through America's most amazing moments, as Chasing American Legends redefines the history genre of reality television.

The Tuttle Twins
The Tuttle Twins are the only books that help children develop critical thinking skills about real-world concepts—sharing ideas with kids that most adults don’t even know!
Let’s be honest, most children’s books teach very basic ideas, if any at all—they’re full of fluff and silly stories. And while these can be good to develop reading skills and phonetics, they typically don’t teach children important ideas that they can apply in their life.
Our books recognize that the world is full of companies, people, and politicians who want to expose your children to ideas you do not support.

The Kids Guide
Socialists are trying to take over America and give even more power to the government, leaving hardworking familes like yours suffering the consequences and paying the bill for generations to come! It has never been more important to help educate our children—the future of America—on the dangers of Socialism and the risks to our great nation.

Biblical Citizenship
Throughout our history, American pastors & churches have played a vital role in the establishment and preservation of religious and civil liberty. Being "salt & light" requires knowledge of the culture we are attempting to preserve and influence as we fulfill the Great Commission and "make disciples of all nations." Being Biblical Citizens requires a knowledge of Biblical principles and how to apply them to the world around us. You and your church can be the catalyst for restoring Biblical values in your neighborhood, State, and Nation.

PowerPoint Resources
Here is a power point presentation called Archaeology: That Plausible Bible
This PowerPoint was designed on PowerPoint 2013 and should work for PowerPoint 2013 or later.