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Writer's pictureDr. Frank Simon

With A Disciple's Heart

Updated: Sep 19

I want to introduce you to a friend of the Kentucky Family Association, who has been an example to many through her personal journey on how one person can take a stand for Kentucky. I know that we often ask ourselves, “I am just one person, what can I do?” Well, I think we can take it one day at a time, one step at a time, like Darlene Rufra. And now in her own words, she tells you about how she has been a vital part of Kentucky Family Association.

“My journey to the Kentucky Family Association began in 2020. At that time, I was working with what I thought was a Christian Conservative organization that operated on a national level. However, when the pandemic hit, this organization decided to suspend all their local activities including their monthly meetings. In the meantime, a friend invited me to attend a volunteer meeting at KFA. At that first meeting I felt a kinship with the other volunteers.

During this time, I had developed a deep interest in researching Socialism and Communism. In my research I noticed a strange connection between that Marxist ideology and what was going on in our country with the lockdowns and mandates. As many people who study this topic know, the Communist Agenda contains 45 goals for America and as of 2020 all but one of those goals had been accomplished. Since I have a teaching background and a love of history, I felt a strong sense of urgency to put together a series of classes on this topic. However, the organization I was working with threw a lot of bureaucratic roadblocks in my way. But when I approached KFA about holding the classes they were supportive and opened their meeting room to me. Consequently, after spending several weeks covering Socialism, Communism, Fascism and Capitalism, I spent the next year and a half facilitating a variety of geo-political topics for the group that attended the classes. Notice I didn’t say that I taught the classes because I learned as much as anyone else. Frankly I believe that we learned from each other. That is what happens when like-minded people come together in search of the truth.

I think it’s very important to make everyone aware of the mess our country is in because we have forgotten our founding documents and therefore, we are not teaching them to our children and grandchildren. As a result, we have fallen victim to the Marxist agenda that is etching away at our freedom every day. KFA has been a valuable partner in helping educate those who are open to rediscovering the Declaration of Independence, the U.S. Constitution and the Kentucky Constitution. We held classes on all three of these topics and provided every participant with a copy of these documents.

After taking some time off to recover from a serious illness and to spend more time studying and researching current events and their prophetic implications, I’m making presentations again on a bi-monthly basis for KFA.

What concerns me is that so many people in the Christian Conservative movement are looking for answers to our country’s problems in the political arena or by following those in the “Truther Movement.” Jesus tells us in

John 14:6, “I am the Way the Truth and the Life, and no one comes to the Father except through Me.”

So, He is the only “Truther” I am interested in following. So, that is why I am partnering with KFA to hold a series of classes called “Back to the Bible” where we can all come together and learn His truth. Notice again that I did not say I am teaching these classes. No one teaches the Bible, it teaches us!

I encourage anyone interested in building God’s Kingdom to get involved and stand up for what you believe. It will change your life for the better and you will see that one person really can make a difference.”

Darlene Rufra is walking out her calling as God has revealed His purpose to her and she is impacting those God has put in her path, She is a shining example of “What can I do to take a stand in Kentucky?”

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