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If faith is rational, if the world has morality, and if the universe was intelligently designed, then the next question is whether our ecosystem has a Creator or not.
In a study, I browsed Wikipedia under the title “creator gods.” I then weaned out of ancient myths about 36 cases from across every continent of the globe of a creator god who individually is credited with the creation of heaven and Earth. The deities were predominantly male and, in some cases, involved an account like the garden of Eden for the first man and woman. Also in ancient times, we find stories of a massive flood, around 200 to 300 cases alongside several other biblical archetypes. So, historically speaking, ancient history provides us with rich traditions of testimonies of a Creator.
In opposition to this, the modern world has provided us with an alternative to a Creator in the form of the combo of undesigned abiogenesis and the process of evolution.
The term abiogenesis refers to the origin of life on our planet. The idea of getting life from non-life without a designer behind it has been debunked. This was debunked by Louis Pasteur in his law of pasteurization.
The belief of evolutionism offers explanations of every aspect of life. In that perspective, through the rule of scientific natural law, all the universe developed in the midst of chaos.
It is a dark secret that evolutionary speculation has been off from the very start. Before Darwin, people found a skeleton on the French Caribbean island of Guadeloupe in 1812 sometimes called “The Miocene man” or “The lady of Guadalupe.” It is a headless female human skeleton supposedly encased in 28-million-year-old limestone. But on the geological column, the humanoid primates are not even supposed to be 2 million years old (much less 28 million years old)!
The British Natural History Museum houses that skeleton, and in the 1960’s, it was moved to their basement. So, then, what’s the reaction from the evolutionary camp in more recent times on the issue? Keith Fitzpatrick-Matthews rejected the notion that the skeleton came from the Miocene time period, saying that “the skeleton of Guadeloupe Woman is of relatively recent date” and that “the skeleton is not fossilized.” This undermines the entire method for estimating Old earth dates, upon which a century of these dates are based pointing back to a young earth model. Either human evolution remains debunked.
Now, the crazy part of this is that some evolutionists were also touting human evolution frauds like Piltdown Man and Nebraska Man, and the Scopes Trial used the frauds too.
When I was growing up, there were many age-dating methods for evolution: carbon dating, coal formation, petrification, and oil and diamond formation. All of them have been debunked.
The foundation of the system of uniformitarianism, the theory that changes in the Earth’s crust and top soil during geological history have resulted from continuous uniform processes, is based on circular reasoning. The paleontologist based the age of the fossils upon the rocks' geologic column, then the geologist would date the rocks according to the fossil record. The uniformitarian geology claims that these columns take millions to billions of years to form. Yet in 1980, the volcanic eruption of Mt. St. Helens blew up that theory as it blew megatons of lava to smithereens. The newly formed column produced 60 million years of dirt in just a few days.
Finally, the genetics of microbiology is not an evolutionist’s friend. It has destroyed their theories of Lamarckianism, evolutionary embryology, and junk DNA. Let me explain.
Lamarckism is an early version of the evolution theory where evolution can take place within a lifetime. A common example was that of a giraffe reaching for higher leaves eventually. Growth-oriented mutations can occur over an organism’s lifetime, but we now know that phenomenon by another name—-cancer.
Evolutionary embryology is the notion that evolution occurs in the womb and that we can demonstrate common ancestry that way. Ernst Haeckel perpetrated that fraud by drawing pictures of embryos of animals to make them all look alike. This was debunked when scientists made real photographs of these animal embryos. The embryos did not look alike. Sometimes, these cartoons are still published as proof in current publications in our country.
Darwin originally taught that cells were extremely simple. Ernst Haekel thought he proved this point by cataloging this substance at sea. He thought it was a chemical creating cells. But in fact, it was seafoam made entirely of salt. We now know that cells are wildly complex and are generally composed of 1 trillion parts. However, the doctrine of junk DNA which taught that there were massive amounts of non-functional DNA in animals and humans, was still taught in many public schools even into the 2000’s.
Let's look at the current situation. The evolutionists must explain how 1 trillion parts can turn into a cell and also must figure out how a cell can turn into a multicellular organism!
They believe that bacteria was the first single-celled organism and that it popped into existence around 3 billion years ago. They also assume that a species can change kinds every 50 generations. Well, the bacteria found in the alleged 3-billion-year-old rock are essentially the same bacteria that we see today. On top of that, we have bacteria from 1990 that have reproduced over 50,000 generations with no sign of macroevolution—-just more bacteria!
When we look at the raw evidence of the past from the Earth, we find a greater abundance of life from the past and also a massive amount of destruction. As a Christian, we may interpret this as “Paradise lost,” a creation ruined by natural disasters and mankind’s fall from grace with God. But in evolution, we merely see the normalization of death. Evolutionary-biologist-turned-creationist Gary Parker described it this way:
What a difference! In evolutionary thinking, time, chance, struggle, and death produce "new and improved" forms of life. In biblical thinking, chance and struggle produce disease, decline and death.
Evolution begins with dead things; living things–including us–are temporary intruders in the universe, and when the sun burns out, death wins at last. The Bible begins with the life of God; death is a temporary intruder, and eternal life wins at Christ's return"
————Gary Parker, Creation Facts of Life, page 41
“For we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now…”
————Romans 8:22
Now, if our ecosystem has a Creator, then has this Creator been intelligible to mankind? We’d like to offer an answer to that question in our next article. Stay tuned!
Continue to Article 5 here.
[1] Fitzpatrick-Matthews, Keith. “The Lady of Guadeloupe: a Miocene Homo sapiens?” Bad Archaeology. 5 Apr. 2015. https://badarchaeology.wordpress.com/2015/04/05/the-lady-of-guadeloupe-a-miocene-homo-sapiens/. Accessed 30 Jan. 2023. Web.
[2] Parker, Gary. Creation Facts of Life. Master Books, 1994, page 41.
"Human remains from the Lower Miocene
It is everywhere taught, and held to be a scientific fact, that man evolved from apes during the last million years or so. Various charts and diagrams are devised that purport to demonstrate the stages of such evolution. What is omitted, however, is a vast body of evidence from the fossil record which shows that fully human fossils are found in much lower geological levels which are interpreted as millions of years earlier than man’s proposed ancestors. Either the time-scale of the geological column is quite wrong, or fossil man often pre-dates his proposed ancestors.
One example of this is a human skeleton at present lying in the basement of the British Museum of Natural History. This fossil was dug out of the Lower Miocene deposits of Grande Terre, part of the Caribbean island of Guadeloupe. It still lies firmly embedded in a two ton block of limestone which is harder than statuary marble. It had embedded the bones while the limestone was still fluid. The burial was sudden and catastrophic, as evidenced by the articulation of the bones and the high organic content of the rock immediately around them.
The body had not yet decayed when burial occurred. The bones are therefore of the same age as the rock. Miocene sediments are reckoned to date from 12 to 25 million years ago, so this Lower Miocene human should predate all its ancestors!
Skeleton in the cupboard
One curious aspect of this evidence is that the British museum has been in possession of this specimen since the Admiralty presented it to them in 1812. During the early 19th century it was displayed to the public as a curiosity. However, once Darwinism gained a foothold the specimen was removed from public display. I am given to understand, in fact, that I was the first member of the public to set eyes on it since the early 1930’s. The last geological survey of the island that mentions the presence of human remains in these deposits is that of Spencer in 1901."
Abiogenesis) The origin of life on the planet. The idea of getting life from nonlife naturally has been debunked. This was debunked by Louis Pasteur in his law of pasteurization
Lamarckism) an early version of the evolution theory where evolution can take place within a lifetime, a common example was that of a giraffe reaching for higher leaves eventually
Embryology) the idea that evolution would take place in the womb. This was carried out by a fraud from Ernst Haeckel. Haeckel would draw pictures of embryos of animals to make them all look alike, This was debunked when a scientist made real photographs of these animal embryos and they clearly did not look alike. These cartoons are still published as proof however in random publics throughout the nation
Junk DNA) Darwin originally taught that cells were extremely simple. Ernst Haekel thought he proved this point by cataloging this substance at sea. He thought it was a chemical creating cells. But in fact, it was a sea-foam made entirely of salt. We now know that cells are quite complex and are generally composed of 1 trillion parts. However, junk dna was still taught in many public schools all the way up into the 2000's